Monday 16 July 2007

Review Policy/Disclaimer

The aim of this site is to promote the reading and writing of Young Adult and Children's Literature. The way I see it, readers come first. Because readers come first, all reviews posted on this site will be my honest opinion.

If I read a book - whether submitted or bought/found/borrowed - and I have negative opinions about it as well as positive, the review will contain both. If I only have negative opinions about it, I may well still review it. On the other hand, if I only have positive opinions about it, I'm not the kind of person to make up negative stuff.:-)

All criticism will be constructive, and directed to the book and not the author. Likewise, please direct any criticism of the reviews towards those and not me.

If I chose not to review a submitted book, I will try to briefly explain why on the blog as soon as possible. If you feel one has slipped through the net, please email me at the address on the right rather than commenting on the blog, as I might not check comments as often as I check my email.

In the event that I know an author, I will state this in the review.

So, please submit your work for an honest and free review.

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