Sunday 15 July 2007

Yay! I'm in business...

Right, I've got my first few books - all pdf files, all recently published by Lulu. I've also looked out a few excellent but more obscure of my favourites from the last few years. Tomorrow, I'll post my first review, and also the site's Manifesto. Well, if those Euston people can have one, I can have one. I'm going to start working on it as soon as I get rid of this headache. That is an issue with ebooks that needs to be solved. Either that or epublishers should buy shares in optometrists...

Off for a glass of water.:-)


Heather R. Holden said...

Nice blog! I look forward to reading your first review. I hope you found a way to banish that headache.

Spacey Sunday said...

*clicks profile*
Ooh, that's a nice paranormal review blog you have there. I'll be posting a review of a paranormal book for teens soon, so I'll check it out to get ideas.:)
*votes in poll*
Vampires? Scary? Nah.
(Hmm though, what about Poppy Z Brite's vampires... They scare me!)